
Development of the kbase-ui integration test runner is fairly straightforward.

First we’ll lay out the various files and their purposes.

Then we’ll discuss the various dependencies and references for the underlying test stack.

Execution of Integration Tests

Integration tests are invoked via a simple Makefile task. Setup and a sample test session are provided in the Getting Started chapter.

Within the kbase-ui repo directory, after having built and run kbase-ui at least once:

make integration-tests

is the simplest invocation of integration tests.

The full form is

make integration-tests env=ENV browser=BROWSER

where ENV is one of ci, next, narrative-dev or prod; and BROWSER is one of chrome, firefox, or safari.

Note that firefox and safari are not currently working, due to incompatibilities with their respective selenium drivers.

Test Runner Files

The sources for integration testing include:

[ to be written ]

12. Testing Services