is a Create React App (CRA) customization tool. We are using it for now to allow us to integrate Ant Design theming, which is implemented as LESS variable overrides.
npm install @craco/craco craco-antd --save
Remove global load of antd stylesheet
If you are loading the prebuilt antd stylesheet, remove that code.
For instance, when working with the default theme, I use:
import "antd/dist/antd.css";
in my top level App.tsx
This line should be removed, otherwise the style overrides will be superseded (in most cases) by the global stylesheet.
Make sure you are using the non-default import form
In order to utilize the themed antd component styles, you need to use the import form
import { Icon } from "antd";
rather than
import Icon from "antd/lib/icon";
Note: the latter is required for jest unit tests – so we need to find a way for jest to work without that form! There is probably a way through craco…
Fix npm package.json
Replace the CRA script calls with craco script calls in package.json:
"scripts": {
"start": "react-scripts start",
"build": "react-scripts build",
"postbuild": "bash",
"test": "react-scripts test",
"eject": "react-scripts eject"
"scripts": {
"start": "craco start",
"build": "craco build",
"postbuild": "bash",
"test": "craco test",
"eject": "react-scripts eject"
Note that we are changing the definitions of the scripts. We can still use all of the standard CRA npm script commands.
Set up craco antd plugin
Add the craco
customization file craco-config.ts
to the top level of the react app src/react-app
AKIYO: this was a bit confusing…
├── node_modules
├── craco.config.js
└── package.json
const CracoAntDesignPlugin = require("craco-antd");
const path = require("path");
module.exports = {
plugins: [
plugin: CracoAntDesignPlugin,
options: {
customizeThemeLessPath: path.join(__dirname, "src/custom/style/antd/theme.less")
Add the antd customization less file in src/react-app/custom/style/antd/theme.less
// antd theme customization
// @primary-color: #1da57a;
// @link-color: #1da57a;
Making development easier
Changing the antd theme.less
file or the Craco config file Craco-config.ts
does not cause the development-time app to reload.
Try this:
Install nodemon
npm install --save-dev nodemon
Update the start script:
"start": "nodemon -w ./craco.config.js -w ./src/custom/style/antd/theme.less --exec 'craco start'",
The KBase Theme
So now to the theme itself…
Here is a start:
This is a working set of overrides, we are currently actively development them, so they WILL change!
* Primary antd colors.
* Blue, green, gold are derived from the kbase logo colors.
@blue-kbase: rgb(22, 99, 186);
@green-kbase: rgb(45, 135, 48);
@gold-kbase: rgb(251, 116, 7);
@red-kbase: rgb(163, 36, 36);
@font-size-base-kbase: 16px;
@font-family-kbase: "Oxygen";
// antd theme customization
@primary-color: @blue-kbase;
// @primary-color: @debug-kbase;
@info-color: @blue-kbase;
@success-color: @green-kbase;
@processing-color: @blue-kbase;
@error-color: @red-kbase;
@highlight-color: @red-kbase;
@warning-color: @gold-kbase;
@normal-color: #d9d9d9;
* Use KBase fonts.
* Note: Currently the kbase ui uses oxygen for most text, and roboto for
* headlines.
@font-family: @font-family-kbase;
@code-family: monospace;
@text-color: fade(@black, 65%);
@text-color-secondary: fade(@black, 45%);
@text-color-warning: @gold-7;
@text-color-danger: @red-7;
@text-color-inverse: @white;
@font-size-base: @font-size-base-kbase;
@font-size-lg: @font-size-base + 2px;
@font-size-sm: 12px;
@heading-1-size: ceil(@font-size-base * 2.71);
@heading-2-size: ceil(@font-size-base * 2.14);
@heading-3-size: ceil(@font-size-base * 1.71);
@heading-4-size: ceil(@font-size-base * 1.42);
// Layout
@layout-body-background: #f0f2f5;
@layout-header-background: #001529;