
A wait task combines navigation with an assertion about the result of the navigation. A wait task combines three goals:

  • navigate to a node(s)
  • test an assertion about that node(s)
  • fail if that goal is not achieved within a time limit

A wait task is signaled by the wait property existing on the task. The value of the wait property indicates what type of assertion has been made. An assertion may support or require arguments.

The underling implementation will poll for the given assertion on the given navigation path. The tasks succeeds if the assertion succeeds within the time limit, which defaults to 10 seconds but may be overridden; otherwise, the task fails.

the assertions


The wait forElement assertion will succeed when the node specified by the navigation path exists.


- wait: forElement


The wait forText assertion will succeed when the node specified by the navigation path is found to have the text provided by the text parameter.


  • text - a string which is matched exactly against the node text value


- wait: forText
    text: my test text


The wait forTextMatch assertion will succeed when the node specified by the navigation path is found to have the text matching the regular expression provided by the text parameter.

An invalid regular expression will also cause the test to fail.


  • regexp - a valid Javascript regular expression, acceptable to the RegExp constructor
  • flags - a valid flags string, acceptable to the RegExp constructor


- wait: forTextRegex
    regexp: ^mr
    flags: i


The wait: forNumber assertion will succeed when the text value for the specified node can be coerced to a number as conducted by the Number constructor.

The assertion will fail if the text value of the node cannot be converted to a number (either throws exception or Number.isNaN() returns true.)


  • number - either a simple number or a numeric comparison expression

A numeric comparison expression is an object with any of the following properties:

  • gt
    • also greaterThan
  • gte
    • also greaterThanOrEqual
  • lt
    • also lessThan
  • lte
    • also lessThanOrEqual
  • equal
    • also equals

The value of each of these comparison operators is some number

If multiple comparisons are provided, they are anded together.


-   wait: forNumber
    title: Check that the reference data tab result count is rendered
        - type: component
          value: tabset
        - type: tab
          value: reference-data
        - type: component
          value: tab-total-count
        greaterThan: 0


The wait: forElementCount assertion tests that the number of elements matching the navigation path. The count parameter provides a numeric comparison (same as the number parameter for forNumber).


  • count - a numeric comparison as described above for wait: forNumber.


The following test case task, taken from the mainwindow plugin ensures that an unauthenticated kbase-ui shows only one sidebar nav item.

-   wait: forElementCount
        - type: element
          value: menu-items
        - type: element
          value: menu-item
        equal: 1


The selector parameter provides the DOM selector path to the DOM node of interest.

Selectors are discussed in detail in the test scripts chapter.


A wait task will keep trying an assertion until it either succeeds or a time limit has been exceeded. The time limit defaults to 10 seconds, but can be overridden with the timeout parameter.


  • timeout - a timeout duration in milliseconds.


This wait: forText task tests that the node with the data-element attribute with a value of “title” (equivalent to the selector [data-element="title"]) has the value “Bulk Import - DEPRECATED” within 5 seconds.

-   wait: forText
    timeout: 5000
    text: Bulk Import - DEPRECATED
        - type: raw
          name: data-element
          value: title

7. Test Data