Step 3. Developer Tools

  • vsc

KBase recommends and supports Visual Studio Code for front end development.

  • Visual Studio Code (VSC) configuration

    The files stored in the .vscode directory control the behavior of Visual Studio Code. Many if not all of the settings can also be applied through the VSC settings ui, but that is very hard to document!

    These settings are primarily to ensure consistent formatting, but also help with IDE behavior. For instance, the onSave setting in formatter.json ensures that formatting is applied whenever a file is saved, which prevents us from forgetting to apply the formatting rules.

    Another example is the editor.detectIndentation setting in settings.json. VSC may ignore the tab width setting if it detects that a different tab width is used in the file. This defeats the purpose of standard formatting rules!!

    We will surely be updating these settings as time goes on. We need to figure out a method of ensuring that devs have access to the most recent settings files.

    Overall, the purpose of insisting on these settings is both to provide a consistent experience for coders, especially when they take up a new codebase, and to avoid commit spam due to differences in formatting between developers.

    • create the directory .vscode at the top level of the repo

      mkdir .vscode
    • create the file settings.json in the .vscode directory with the following content:

          "editor.detectIndentation": false
    • create the file formatter.json in the .vscode directory with the following content:

          "onSave": true,
          "javascript": {
              "indent_size": 4,
              "indent_char": " ",
              "eol": "auto",
              "preserve_newlines": true,
              "break_chained_methods": false,
              "max_preserve_newlines": 0,
              "space_in_paren": false,
              "space_in_empty_paren": false,
              "jslint_happy": true,
              "space_after_anon_function": true,
              "keep_array_indentation": false,
              "space_before_conditional": true,
              "unescape_strings": false,
              "wrap_line_length": 0,
              "e4x": false,
              "end_with_newline": false,
              "comma_first": false,
              "brace_style": "collapse-preserve-inline"
          "css": {
              "indent_size": 4,
              "indentCharacter": " ",
              "indent_char": " ",
              "selector_separator_newline": true,
              "end_with_newline": false,
              "newline_between_rules": true,
              "eol": "\n"
          "html": {
              "indent_inner_html": false,
              "indent_size": 4,
              "indent_char": " ",
              "indent_character": " "
  • Controlling commit spam with .gitignore

    Add a .gitignore file to the top level of the plugin repo, with the following content:

      # macOS
      # The built plugin app goes here during a top level build; we don't want to check
      # that is as it is build during install in kbase-ui
      # created by npm if install with --no-cache option
      # created by yarn, but causes problems with kbase-ui builds.
      # Artifact of local github pages development
      # Don't check in coverage reports
      # Put stuff in _trash to move it out of the way, and omit it from the repo 
      # (but keep it locally to support procrastination.)
      # Don't accidentally commit the dist directory

Next Steps

Step 4. Say Hello
