Step 10: Add Documentation

Documentation other than the resides in a top level /docs folder and is build and deployed automatically by Github through Github Pages.

  1. Add /docs directory to the top level of the plugin repo

     mkdir docs
  2. Add a new file in the docs directory, with the following content:

     # My Great Plugin
  3. Add a new file in the docs directory, with the following content:

     # Overview
  4. Add a new file _config.yml to the docs directory, with the following content:

     title: My Great Plugin
     remote_theme: kbaseIncubator/kbase-github-pages-theme
     search_enabled: false
         "My Great Plugin on Github":
             - "//{PLUGIN}"
         "About KBase":
             - "//"
             - label: Overview
  5. Add a new file Gemfile to the docs directory, with the following content:

     source ''
     gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins
     gem 'kbase-github-pages-theme', git: ''
  6. Preview the docs:

    • install ruby or use the built-in one
      • Note that it may be necessary to install ruby with macports or homebrew due to permissions issues adding gems to the stock ruby on macOS.

    • install bundler if it isn’t already

        sudo gem install bundler
    • install the bundle; in a terminal session in the docs directory:

        bundle install
    • if all goes well, launch the local github pages server:

        bundle exec jekyll serve
  7. Open your browser to https://localhost:4000 to see the docs!

Follow Up / See Also

  • adding submenus
  • the KBase Github Pages Theme

Next Step

Step 11. Fin
